Saturday, October 17, 2009

In Love

I absolutely love being pregnant. I feel so incredibly blessed to have this little person growing in me and that I get to be his mommy. He is getting so big, his little butt is always poking out. I love to feel him and try to guess what I am feeling. Its such an amazing experience. I only have 4 and half weeks till I'm considered full term. Its amazing how fast time has gone.

I feel completely at peace with the birthing process and feel with the support of my husband and my midwife I will be able to have the natural birth I am wanting. Lance is going to be an amazing coach, he is so attentive, patient, and loving.

I have never felt the amount of love I feel for my son. I know it will only intensify when I see him. This is just such an awesome experience and I thank God every day for this gift. I know its not a given. There are plenty of women who cannot have children, or struggle. Yes we had our struggle, with loosing our Josiah. But now we are here, with a healthy little boy growing safely. I still miss our little beanie every day. I remember what it felt like to find out we were pregnant with her. She is our first little one, our child. We have one child in heaven and pretty soon will have one here with us. I know will we see our baby again someday. Our sweet angel.

Our baby shower is next Saturday and we had a lot of people RSVP. We are excited to celebrate our little guy with all of our family and friends. It wont be long till Judah will be here! :)

1 comment:

  1. aww, Tina, im so happy for you and Lance...i know how happy you must be. I long to feel that. I cant wait to see more pics of you and your baby shower!!! Your going to be such a wonderful mommy :)
