Wednesday, October 27, 2010

8, 9 and 10 months!

Okay so I have been slacking a bit....oops! Judah how grown so much since the last post. He is "talking" all the time. He is so close to walking, I cannot believe it! Where did my "tiny" baby go?!

His first birthday is approaching very quickly, and we decided on a Cowboy/Wild West theme. At his last appt. he was 21 lbs 4oz, and 28 1/2 inches. (This was at 9 months) He didn't grow as much as they would like to see and dropped into the 40th percentile, but I know hes just fine! He just slowed down a bit, which is fine with us.

He is such a character, and is very funny. He plays very well by himself and with other kids. (Except he likes to pull on hair a little bit). He loves to read, and loves his bath time. He still spends 75% of the night in our bed, and we love it. Cuddling with him all night is so awesome, and I could not imagine it any other way!!

He is starting to eat much better and will try pretty much anything. We tried eggs this morning which he clearly did not enjoy by the look on his face. He loves grilled cheese and sweet potatoes though. He still loves the Earth's Best Spinach and Potatoes, so we are going to buy some in bulk for him.

We have been talking when we would like to try for another little one, because we want our kids close together. There are some obstacles, but we are just going to trust in God to put the peices together.

Well until next time!

1 comment:

  1. I wish you wrote more and blogged more about your family!! I feel like Im missing out on alot of things. I know your busy, but still....gots to keep me updated :) I cant believe he is already going to be just crazy how time is flying. You should post a pic up, of the invitiation....i want to see it... :) I love you and i hope one day i can expereince everything you have over the past 10 months :)
