Monday, August 2, 2010

7 months

Judah has been doing so many new things this month! He can sit up unassisted, he has been crawling backwards (its so funny!), and can go from laying to sitting all by himself. He also knows how to eat finger foods without my help. Its amazing how fast they learn and grow.

He has given us 7 months of complete joy, and its been so incredibly wonderful to watch him develop into an amazing little person right before our eyes! He is such a strong willed, loving, funny little boy. His smile melts my heart!

He has a bit of "stranger anxiety" but warms up fairly quickly to new people and situations, which is good. We haven't got him on much of a schedule, but that will happen over time. He eats breakfast and dinner well now, so we are trying to incorporate lunch. He is also very distracted during the day and has not been nursing as much, but makes up for it at night. I am hoping this will be over soon because I miss my sleep! He still ends up in bed with us half way thru the night and even though I miss my space sometimes, I love waking up to his beautiful smiling face.

I have been planning his 1st Birthday party and I'm hoping to make it special and unique, without being too complicated. I just want it to be a celebration of his life and the joy he has brought to everyone in it. We are thinking Dec 18th for the big day :)

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad how healthy and happy baby Judah is. I cant believe how fast hes growing and how much he has learned. I look at the pics when he was younger, or even the one on the side of this blog and hes so big. I hope one day I can meet him :) Maybe when we have our babies, we can get together and enjoy the small things. I cant wait to see pictures of his birthday party. I know your going to do an awesome job!!! Love you girl!
