So we are half way to meeting our little guy! Everything is still going good, except for the colds I keep getting, thanks to where I work. Little Judah has been moving quite a bit, and Daddy got to feel him moving this past Sunday! Now every time he moves, and I try to get Lance to feel, he will stop moving. I told Judah last night, "Tell your Daddy to be nice to Mommy" and he immediately kicked me. It was super cute. We are both so in love with this little guy already!
My belly is definitly growing, and I am looking pregnant rather then chunky, lol. We have a midwife appt August 11th and a repeat ultrasound on the 14th. So far all of my blood work has cam back normal for gestational diabetes, and my homocysteine levels. Praise God! We decided not to do any prenatal testing other then the ultrasound because of the risk of false positives, and the fact that it would not change anything.
We just got back from Judah's first wedding, and he now has a new Aunt! It was a beautiful wedding, and we are so excited for the two of them. I am not so sure he enjoyed all the music though, he wasnt moving much, and the next day I barely felt him at all, I think he was recovering, lol.
Our family reunion is this weekend, which I am praying for safety and health for all of us so we can enjoy our time together. At the next reunion Judah will be 1 and half already!
I am currently praying that God shows me a new form of income, because I cannot work with kids anymore. I am getting colds all the time, and with flu season approaching, and the swine flu, I dont want to expose myself and mostly Judah to all the germs.
7 more weeks and we are in the 3rd trimester! :)
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
19 weeks

Introducing Judah! Hes praising God already :)
Almost half way!! We had our ultrasound this past Friday...and I've come to the conclusion I really dont enjoy them. At least the way they do them at the hospital. It takes forever....and they dont really show you anything until the end. So why they are "analyzing" your baby, its silent and uncomfortable. However we were so happy to find out we are having a little boy!! I didnt get a pic of the "boy parts" and was kind of upset about it, but it was pretty obvious. So little Judah will be here in about 20 weeks!
We had our 19 week appt today, and everything is going good. The ultrasound report came back and our baby is completely healthy! The only thing they saw was the placenta was thicker then normal. Which our midwife said 99% of the time it means nothing, and the things they normally see with a thickened placenta, we dont have issues with. She gave us the option of having a repeat ultrasound done in a month, and I am not sure if I want too. I am putting this baby/placenta in God's hands. However it could mean gestational diabetes, which I get tested for in a month as well. Just pray that I am healthy and dont have that! She did say in the 15 years she has been doing this, she has never seen it amount to anything, so that was reasurring. Our baby is in the 68th percentile and she said sometimes bigger baby = bigger placenta.
I have been feeling Judah move pretty much every day but still not very consistently. I have an anterior placenta, which means its in the front, and can be padding his movements, and can take longer to feel more distinct movements. So far so good, and we are just believing that our baby will remain healthy and our placenta is normal and supplying him with all he needs. I just love this little guy so much already, and am excited to meet him!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
18 weeks

I still sometimes think about the "what if's" but I know God's hand is on this baby. Everytime I start to play scenarios in my head I have to stop myself and pray about it. I dont want to agree with anything negative for this baby.
We have so much going on with work, youth group, Lance starting school in the fall, looking for a home, the baby, needing a new car. But we know God has a plan and I can feel it all coming together. We don't know where we will be in 6 months, but we do know that we will have a new little person to love, and we will be following God's will for our lifes, and that is everything.
Of course I will update sometime Friday with the ultrasound pic's....boy or girl?!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
17 weeks and a ER visit
In general, everything has been going really good. Minus the nasty cold and bladder infection, lol. This baby is growing, and so is my belly. I have been feeling little movements, and I cant wait for them to get stronger and more consistent. Also its cool to know our little one can hear us now. Our ultrasound is 1 week, 1 day away :)
As for the ER visit, I woke up yesterday morning in extreme pain. I had to have Lance help me off of the bed, and was having trouble walking. It was on my left side, so my first thought was round ligament pain. I talked to a couple different nurses, and they both said to go to the ER to be evaluated, because round ligament pain normally doesnt last that long or is that severe. So after we got there, we talked to a Dr. and he wanted to do blood work, pelvic exam, urine analysis, and a ultrasound. I honestly thought the ultrasound would be mostly to check the baby and make sure my ovary was okay. Little did I know it was a full blown ultrasound, measuring the baby and all. It was so neat to see our little person moving around, putting their hand in their mouth, just being cute :) He/she was measuring about 17 weeks 5-6 days on everything. We even got to see its little stomach and bladder, so neat! However thanks to me almost passing out towards the end, we didnt get any good pictures or get to check the sex. I guess God really wants us to wait for next Friday. During the ultrasound I started to feel extremely hot, and sweating like crazy. Lance thought I was exagerating, but I finally told the ultrasound tech to stop because I think I am going to pass out. All of the sudden I could barely hear and my vision got blurry. A paramedic and nurse came in and took my blood pressure which was 84 over 44 which is pretty low. Once I started to feel better, and they took it again and it was 112 over 60 something. I think because of laying on my back and maybe the baby was on a main blood vessel which was cutting the blood supply off and making me woozy. Then we went up to the Maternity floor where my midwife was on call (yay) and she talked to us for a bit, and said the ultrasound looked great, my ovaries looked great, and there is no sign of apendicitis or anything like that. She pretty much said it was probably severe round ligament pain and from coughing alot it made it worse.
So all in all, I am on "medical leave" until Monday, and am feeling a lot better today. To be honest I never felt fear during this whole process, and I know its because God has given me peace about this child, and that we will hold this little one in Dec. We get another ultrasound next Friday, and I will try not to pass out so we can know who this little one is. We are so in love with this baby already, and cannot wait to meet him/her!!!!
As for the ER visit, I woke up yesterday morning in extreme pain. I had to have Lance help me off of the bed, and was having trouble walking. It was on my left side, so my first thought was round ligament pain. I talked to a couple different nurses, and they both said to go to the ER to be evaluated, because round ligament pain normally doesnt last that long or is that severe. So after we got there, we talked to a Dr. and he wanted to do blood work, pelvic exam, urine analysis, and a ultrasound. I honestly thought the ultrasound would be mostly to check the baby and make sure my ovary was okay. Little did I know it was a full blown ultrasound, measuring the baby and all. It was so neat to see our little person moving around, putting their hand in their mouth, just being cute :) He/she was measuring about 17 weeks 5-6 days on everything. We even got to see its little stomach and bladder, so neat! However thanks to me almost passing out towards the end, we didnt get any good pictures or get to check the sex. I guess God really wants us to wait for next Friday. During the ultrasound I started to feel extremely hot, and sweating like crazy. Lance thought I was exagerating, but I finally told the ultrasound tech to stop because I think I am going to pass out. All of the sudden I could barely hear and my vision got blurry. A paramedic and nurse came in and took my blood pressure which was 84 over 44 which is pretty low. Once I started to feel better, and they took it again and it was 112 over 60 something. I think because of laying on my back and maybe the baby was on a main blood vessel which was cutting the blood supply off and making me woozy. Then we went up to the Maternity floor where my midwife was on call (yay) and she talked to us for a bit, and said the ultrasound looked great, my ovaries looked great, and there is no sign of apendicitis or anything like that. She pretty much said it was probably severe round ligament pain and from coughing alot it made it worse.
So all in all, I am on "medical leave" until Monday, and am feeling a lot better today. To be honest I never felt fear during this whole process, and I know its because God has given me peace about this child, and that we will hold this little one in Dec. We get another ultrasound next Friday, and I will try not to pass out so we can know who this little one is. We are so in love with this baby already, and cannot wait to meet him/her!!!!
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