Sunday, January 31, 2010

6 weeks old

Judah is 6 weeks old today! He has been social smiling since 3 weeks, and is a really strong baby. (its all those prayers and extra vitamins I took!) He is such a happy little guy, but is having some tummy issues because of the med's he is on for thrush. Which by the way is so annoying and hard to get rid of. It would be easier if he didn't like his binky so much, but he LOVES it. So we do alot of sanitizing around here to keep them clean and are going to buy him some new ones this week and maybe again the next week. (big pain in the butt) Not to mention the thrush hurts me too and makes nursing a little uncomfortable :(

As of 5 weeks he is 12lbs 12oz, hes my little chunker! I love that hes gaining weight well, I don't have to worry if he misses a feeding! He is in 3 month clothing, and it fits him well. He sleeps a 5 hour stretch and then a 4 hour stretch at night which is awesome to get more then 2 hours of sleep at a time. Then he usually ends up in bed with mom and dad for a little bit (if he goes back to sleep) I can honestly say I feel like I am made to be a mommy. Of course most women are, but I truly feel like being home with Judah is just so important for him and for me. Not to mention its much easier to get stuff done around the place, and have meals planned, and lunches for Lance. I would like to make some income babysitting here and there, but I know home is where I need to be ultimately, and we are willing to make the neccesary adjustments so I can be.

Yes HOME! We finally have our own little place. We know this is where God wants us, we prayed for a home in our price range, with a garage and a basement, and we didn't even have to look for this place, it literally just showed up! God is awesome :) Our landlords are awesome too, so that definitly helps!

As for me, I feel like I am finally healing up, and have been doing little workouts here and there to tone up. I have a mommy and baby workout tape which is so cheesy but its cute. I also have the wiifit plus I am using, and once it warms up we will be going for walks alot.

Time to go for now, Mr. Judah bug is waking up :)

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