I've been slacking. Im 15 weeks and some days, and this little one is a mover! I have been feeling movement since 13 weeks, and I feel this little one rolling around a few times a day now.
This pregnancy has been so different then Judah. A lot less stressful, and going by super fast I've also felt a lot better physically this time. We had our 14 week appt and an email consult with the maternal fetal medicine specialist and there is a few things we will do differently this time. With Judah I took low dose aspirin up until I delivered and they want me to stop at 36 weeks this time. Also they suggested no stress tests starting at 32 weeks. I may just start them around 38 weeks if my midwife is okay with it. I didn't have them with Judah until I was overdue, except for the time I was having contraction at 33 weeks. So I don't see why I need them so early this time.
We find out if this little one is a boy or girl on May 9th (hopefully!). We have a girls name picked out, but are not positive on a boys name. It was the opposite with Judah, we knew he would be Judah and didn't have a girls name picked out for a long time. Maybe that means we are have a girl? Either way we will be thrilled!
Judah has been growing so much, and talking so much more in the past week. He is such a joy and I know adding another child is just going to expand our joy even more! We are blessed!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011
7 weeks
This past week Judah and I have been really sick. Sinus pressure, coughing, runny noses...thankfully it's pretty much gone, just some left over coughing and drainage. I have also been feeling nauseas here and there and quite strong food aversions.
Not to mention I look very pregnant already! My belly is really pooching out there, and I know most of it is Bloating but gee, I feel huge! my midwife appt. is next week and I am super excited.
I have felt quite a bit different emotionally this pregnancy. I am having a hard time becoming attached to this little one. I know I am really busy with Judah, so that kind of distracts me. I am not nervous or scared that we will loose the baby, so I know that's not it. I know it ones it comes with time, and I know when I hear the heartbeat it will seem much more real to me. Only a few more weeks till I can hear it on my doppler so that's exciting!
Well its a beautiful day and I am going to get out there and enjoy it with my baby boy!
Not to mention I look very pregnant already! My belly is really pooching out there, and I know most of it is Bloating but gee, I feel huge! my midwife appt. is next week and I am super excited.
I have felt quite a bit different emotionally this pregnancy. I am having a hard time becoming attached to this little one. I know I am really busy with Judah, so that kind of distracts me. I am not nervous or scared that we will loose the baby, so I know that's not it. I know it ones it comes with time, and I know when I hear the heartbeat it will seem much more real to me. Only a few more weeks till I can hear it on my doppler so that's exciting!
Well its a beautiful day and I am going to get out there and enjoy it with my baby boy!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Here we go again!
Lance and I are so excited to announce that sometime in October there will be a new little one joining our family! This is such a blessing, and we can't wait to meet him/her! I decided to keep a blog with this little one as I did with Judah. This pregnancy feels a lot different because I feel a lot more relaxed. With Judah we were so nervous because of our previous loss. But Judah keeps me so busy I don't have time to worry!
My first appt is Feb 25th and I'll be around 8 weeks. I can't wait to see my midwife and talk about having my VBAC! We considered waiting to tell everyone, but we didn't wait with either of our other little ones, and we feel this one deserves all the excitement and love the other two got.
I am still nursing Judah and thankfully he has stopped wanting to nurse as much and is even sleeping better at night for us. I will continue to nurse him until he self weans, which they say can happen in the 2nd trimester because of the change in the milk.
Please be praying for our growing family, and especially the new little one. Thank you Jesus!
My first appt is Feb 25th and I'll be around 8 weeks. I can't wait to see my midwife and talk about having my VBAC! We considered waiting to tell everyone, but we didn't wait with either of our other little ones, and we feel this one deserves all the excitement and love the other two got.
I am still nursing Judah and thankfully he has stopped wanting to nurse as much and is even sleeping better at night for us. I will continue to nurse him until he self weans, which they say can happen in the 2nd trimester because of the change in the milk.
Please be praying for our growing family, and especially the new little one. Thank you Jesus!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
11 months old
Judah is officially a walker! He started a few weeks ago, but he sure did learn fast. He is now trying to run (it doesn't always end well). He is such a loving little guy, and is constantley hugging and kissing me, and he will give hugs to pretty much anyone. He said "Kitty" when he saw Max one morning, and when he heard him Meow. That only lasted a few days and I haven't heard it since, but it was super cute!
He is still not a great sleeper...well I should rephrase that. He is a great sleeper, when hes in bed with us, but not in his crib. We truly do enjoy sleeping with him, but I do wish he would sleep a bit longer in his crib in the beginning of the night, so I can get a few things done. (he used to sleep 4 or 5 hours, now its more like 1 or 2)
He turns 1 in exactly 20 days, I just cannot believe it! I still have alot to do for his party, but honestly I work best under pressure, so I guess you could call me a procastinator. Lance also graduates the weekend of his party, its going to be a busy, joy filled weekend!
We are talking about trying for the next little one in the next couple of months. I am making an appt. with my midwife for a preconceptional appt, because I have a few questions and want to be on the same page. I am excited to experience the joy of pregnancy again, and have another little person join our family!
He is still not a great sleeper...well I should rephrase that. He is a great sleeper, when hes in bed with us, but not in his crib. We truly do enjoy sleeping with him, but I do wish he would sleep a bit longer in his crib in the beginning of the night, so I can get a few things done. (he used to sleep 4 or 5 hours, now its more like 1 or 2)
He turns 1 in exactly 20 days, I just cannot believe it! I still have alot to do for his party, but honestly I work best under pressure, so I guess you could call me a procastinator. Lance also graduates the weekend of his party, its going to be a busy, joy filled weekend!
We are talking about trying for the next little one in the next couple of months. I am making an appt. with my midwife for a preconceptional appt, because I have a few questions and want to be on the same page. I am excited to experience the joy of pregnancy again, and have another little person join our family!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
8, 9 and 10 months!
Okay so I have been slacking a bit....oops! Judah how grown so much since the last post. He is "talking" all the time. He is so close to walking, I cannot believe it! Where did my "tiny" baby go?!
His first birthday is approaching very quickly, and we decided on a Cowboy/Wild West theme. At his last appt. he was 21 lbs 4oz, and 28 1/2 inches. (This was at 9 months) He didn't grow as much as they would like to see and dropped into the 40th percentile, but I know hes just fine! He just slowed down a bit, which is fine with us.
He is such a character, and is very funny. He plays very well by himself and with other kids. (Except he likes to pull on hair a little bit). He loves to read, and loves his bath time. He still spends 75% of the night in our bed, and we love it. Cuddling with him all night is so awesome, and I could not imagine it any other way!!
He is starting to eat much better and will try pretty much anything. We tried eggs this morning which he clearly did not enjoy by the look on his face. He loves grilled cheese and sweet potatoes though. He still loves the Earth's Best Spinach and Potatoes, so we are going to buy some in bulk for him.
We have been talking when we would like to try for another little one, because we want our kids close together. There are some obstacles, but we are just going to trust in God to put the peices together.
Well until next time!
His first birthday is approaching very quickly, and we decided on a Cowboy/Wild West theme. At his last appt. he was 21 lbs 4oz, and 28 1/2 inches. (This was at 9 months) He didn't grow as much as they would like to see and dropped into the 40th percentile, but I know hes just fine! He just slowed down a bit, which is fine with us.
He is such a character, and is very funny. He plays very well by himself and with other kids. (Except he likes to pull on hair a little bit). He loves to read, and loves his bath time. He still spends 75% of the night in our bed, and we love it. Cuddling with him all night is so awesome, and I could not imagine it any other way!!
He is starting to eat much better and will try pretty much anything. We tried eggs this morning which he clearly did not enjoy by the look on his face. He loves grilled cheese and sweet potatoes though. He still loves the Earth's Best Spinach and Potatoes, so we are going to buy some in bulk for him.
We have been talking when we would like to try for another little one, because we want our kids close together. There are some obstacles, but we are just going to trust in God to put the peices together.
Well until next time!
Monday, August 2, 2010
7 months
Judah has been doing so many new things this month! He can sit up unassisted, he has been crawling backwards (its so funny!), and can go from laying to sitting all by himself. He also knows how to eat finger foods without my help. Its amazing how fast they learn and grow.
He has given us 7 months of complete joy, and its been so incredibly wonderful to watch him develop into an amazing little person right before our eyes! He is such a strong willed, loving, funny little boy. His smile melts my heart!
He has a bit of "stranger anxiety" but warms up fairly quickly to new people and situations, which is good. We haven't got him on much of a schedule, but that will happen over time. He eats breakfast and dinner well now, so we are trying to incorporate lunch. He is also very distracted during the day and has not been nursing as much, but makes up for it at night. I am hoping this will be over soon because I miss my sleep! He still ends up in bed with us half way thru the night and even though I miss my space sometimes, I love waking up to his beautiful smiling face.
I have been planning his 1st Birthday party and I'm hoping to make it special and unique, without being too complicated. I just want it to be a celebration of his life and the joy he has brought to everyone in it. We are thinking Dec 18th for the big day :)
He has given us 7 months of complete joy, and its been so incredibly wonderful to watch him develop into an amazing little person right before our eyes! He is such a strong willed, loving, funny little boy. His smile melts my heart!
He has a bit of "stranger anxiety" but warms up fairly quickly to new people and situations, which is good. We haven't got him on much of a schedule, but that will happen over time. He eats breakfast and dinner well now, so we are trying to incorporate lunch. He is also very distracted during the day and has not been nursing as much, but makes up for it at night. I am hoping this will be over soon because I miss my sleep! He still ends up in bed with us half way thru the night and even though I miss my space sometimes, I love waking up to his beautiful smiling face.
I have been planning his 1st Birthday party and I'm hoping to make it special and unique, without being too complicated. I just want it to be a celebration of his life and the joy he has brought to everyone in it. We are thinking Dec 18th for the big day :)
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy 6 month birthday my sweet baby
His birth was not what I had hoped for. I had a hard time accepting the reality of my c-section and the fact I did not get to hold my son until he was 5 hours old. I don't like to admit this, but I had a hard time bonding with him. I loved him, but didn't feel that overwhelming feeling of protection that I now have for him.
I finally have a glimpse of how much God loves me, and I don't think you can really understand until you have a child and feel that incredible unconditional love.
He has brought so much joy into our family, he is always the center of attention, and I think he likes it that way!
We are so excited he is going to be a cousin this December, his Aunt Katie and Uncle Jeremy are due to have their little one December 30th! We will have a lot of birthdays, because mine is Nov. 21st, Katies is in the beginning of Dec, then Judah, and then the newest addition :)
At his dedication, they had a few people from our church to ask for words from God for Judah. Everything they said was everything I have heard from God for him, so it confirmed God's word to me. He will be a great man of Justice, and worship. He has an amazing sense of humor and is so funny, and he brings great joy to anyone who comes into contact with him. There isn't a day we go out and someone does not comment on how good of a baby he is, and how happy he is. He will "flirt" with anyone, and has an amazing joy in his eyes. I am so thankful I was chosen by God to be his Mom, and I know Lance feels the same way as his Dad.
On the developmental side of things, Judah is getting BIG! He loves apples, bananas and squash, and does not like green beans. He still prefers Mommy's milk over anything else though. He is rolling all over the place and is showing signs of crawling. He can sit unassisted for quite a bit but will fall over eventually. He is learning the signs for "all done", "eat", and "more". We are trying to teach him to say "Dada" and "Mama". He really pays attention when I am teaching him. He LOVES to read. His new Bath chair is a favorite because he can splash in the water. He is recognizing familar people and will sometimes cry around new people. He loves to go places and smiles at anyone who looks at him. He LOVES animals and gets so excited when they come near him. Our cat Max will let him grab his fur and play (smack) with him, and Judah cannot get enough! We want to take him to the zoo soon because I think he will be fascinated. He amazes me every day and I can't wait to see what he does in the next 6 months!
Here are some of his 6 month photos our good friend Kelly took, he is just so beautiful!
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