Wednesday, May 13, 2009

10 weeks

We had our 10 week appt, and it went very well. We didnt get to hear the heartbeat (we tried), so we got to see the baby for a minute and they had a strong heartbeat :) The baby looked like a little blob, because the machine was ancient, but we got to see what we were looking for. I lost 4 lbs, but our midwife isnt concerned, but she says im eating enough.

I have been having some pain in my low back/tailbone area. I injured my tailbone many years ago, and I was told it may be aggravated when I am pregnant, and I think its definitly agravated. I feel okay in the morning, but as the day goes on, it can be be pretty painful. I just keep praying, and am planning on seeing a chiropractor soon to see if I can get some relief. I am happy to know the baby is growing though, because its pushing on everything in there!

Other then that, we are moving, soon. We could definitly use any help we can get, as I am not allowed to pick anything up...according to we plan on getting some stuff moved this weekend to a storage unit and then the rest as we can throughout the week.

Work has been tough. I have decided if something doesnt change, I will not be there long. There is some stuff going on that makes me sick, and I cant stand to see children treated that way.

So all in all, we are good, healthy baby, and lots of packing to do!

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