Tuesday, November 10, 2009

35 and 36 weeks

Well here we are, 3 weeks plus after our preterm labor and Judah is still nice and snug in there. At my 35 week appt I was a finger tip dilated and his head was still up high, so looks like he may be in there for the long run! I am worried about have a giant baby though, as he measured 3 weeks ahead and my uterus is also measuring 3 weeks ahead. My midwife isn't concerned though, she thinks hes bigger then average but not huge. His space is getting limited and when he stretches out it can be a bit uncomfortable for mommy. We are just enjoying these last few weeks as just Lance and Tina, and excited to add Judah!

We have been together for 11 years. Lance has been my best friend since I was 15 years old. We grew up together, we dreamed about this since we were 15 years old. We have been through so much together, and this baby is an incredible blessing in our lives. I got really sad the other day thinking about our Josiah, and what that baby could have been. I miss her so incredibly much, but I know if she was here, Judah would most likely not be. Our first little one would be almost a year old by now. She will always be our first creation together, and we cant wait to meet her one day.

I have been having more and more "braxton hicks" contractions and when they happen I feel crampy all over. I guess that's just my body practicing for the real thing, but whenever they happen I always wonder...are they going to get worse or go away? Its exciting and fun and I cant wait till they do start getting worse and I can say "its time!"

A prayer request....we are asking God to lead us to a decision for our housing. We have an option with a condo in Milford, but we know we want to own our own home someday. The tax credit has been expanded until May or April (cant remember) and we are debating just saving money until then and trying to get into a home. Just pray God gives us direction in this area.

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