Tuesday, November 24, 2009

38 weeks

2 weeks until Judah's due date! As much as I want this little guy to come, I know its best if he stays put until hes completely ready. He does seem pretty comfy in there! We are working on getting him in the right position for birth, so I have been doing pelvic tilts (not enough according to Lance) and sitting on the birthing ball to help open up my pelvis and allow him to move on down. Something has changed as far as his positioning but I am not sure what. I can never tell what I am feeling, he seems to be everywhere. I think hes in the right position now though, so praise God!

Our appt on Friday went well, we only have 2 more left until the due date. I am 1cm dilated, 50% effaced, and very soft. So now we wait. I met a mom who is due Dec. 1st and we both talked about how excited we were to be at the new hospital. It truly is an awesome place to be, if you have to be there.

Daddy would love for him to come before Thanksgiving, but I think Judah wants his December birthday. I am just enjoying these last days/weeks with him in my belly, because I will never get this time back. He is such a blessing in our lives and is going to be so incredibly loved. We already have a crew set up for delivery (whos taking pictures/video taping). Everyone in our family is preparing and is so excited for him. His aunts and uncles are taking time off of work, my Aunt is coming in from out of town, and of course the grandparents are incredibly excited. Its the first little one to enter our immediate family on both sides. He is going to be here right in time for his first Christmas! Mommy and Daddy already have bought him a couple of presents. We love you so much Judah bug and we cannot wait to see you!!!

1 comment:

  1. awww, i cant wait for pictures!!!! :) Enjoy the time....i know hes going to come soon!! love you girl!!!
