Tuesday, November 17, 2009

37 weeks: FULL TERM!

I cant believe we are already considered full term! We are so excited to meet Judah! He is having fun keeping us guessing when he will arrive. I have been having contractions on and off for over a week now. Sometimes they will be regular, sometimes not. Then they usually just disappear. Must be my body practicing for the real thing. He has been as active as ever, and now that he has dropped, it makes it slightly more uncomfortable. I feel a lot of pressure and lost what they call the "mucus plug" (lovely name) 4 days ago.

Everyone is convinced it will be within a week, but I guess we will know more at our appt. on Friday. I am okay with whenever he wants to arrive, I am trying to enjoy these last few days/weeks with him snuggled in there, because once hes here, he can't go back!

We found a pediatrician, and although her office is in Troy, I believe she is the right fit for us and Judah. That took a huge weight off of me, because now at least we have that squared away. The car seat is installed but we didn't have it inspected yet. The Milford Police station does it, I just have to call and get an appt, and if for some reason we don't get to before he comes, I will have someone at the hospital check it out. (even though I'm pretty sure its installed right!)

Other then that we are just waiting, waiting, and waiting. I am trying to keep busy to keep my mind off things, but I feel really tired most of the time. We can't wait to introduce you all to Judah!

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